Τρίτη 20 Αυγούστου 2013


You do not know me, nor I you. I read of your situation regarding Golden Dawn's legal threats on SocialistWorker.org and thought I'd write you some lines of support and encouragement.

I'm not sure how much it helps; just know that I, and thousands of others who've been outraged by the self-righteous idiocy of the neo-nazis, stand with you in this fight. It is well within your rights to challenge the extremeness of their views and the danger they pose to all who yearn and struggle for a truly just and democratic society. To stand idly by in silence against this threat would be to acquiesce without protest. Bertell Ollman wrote of duty in his letter - I would be inclined to agree with him. It is the duty of anyone who struggles against oppression and injustice to oppose Golden Dawn and its racist, rightwing agenda. You don't stand alone in this fight (and I suspect you'll never have to).

In complete solidarity,

Micah Love