*A trial to discipline the left and the workers vanguard*
*For the dropping of charges against Savas Matsas *
*and all the strugglers *
The capitalist crisis clearly shows the true character of *bourgeoi**s*democracy. That a neo nazi organization as Golden Down, put to attack immigrants in the streets of Athens and other Greek cities, is the accuser in a trial against leaders of the left, in this case the most important leader of the trotskist EEK, and that the Greek court goes ahead with this trial proves that not even spoils of democracy are left at the time of putting all the weight of the *bourgeoi**s* apparatus to the service of the international creditors represented by the Troika of the IMF, the ECB and the imperialist EU. Then, it's not about denouncing fascism as the enemy of democracy, but of fighting *bourgeoi**s* democracy as the form, every time more bonapartist, of the State as the instrument of the capitalist class to make our class pay the crisis.
To impose the dropping of charges against Matsas and all the strugglers becomes essential and it is a task that requires to be approached internationally, not as a "denouncing campaign", but struggling to organize the vanguard following a revolutionary program that makes the capitalists to pay for the crisis. Fighting to impose this program within the trade unions and the organization of the workers self-defense to confront the represive forces of the capitalist state and it's supporters as the neo nazis of Golden Dawn.*For the dropping of charges against Savas Matsas *
*and all the strugglers *
The capitalist crisis clearly shows the true character of *bourgeoi**s*democracy. That a neo nazi organization as Golden Down, put to attack immigrants in the streets of Athens and other Greek cities, is the accuser in a trial against leaders of the left, in this case the most important leader of the trotskist EEK, and that the Greek court goes ahead with this trial proves that not even spoils of democracy are left at the time of putting all the weight of the *bourgeoi**s* apparatus to the service of the international creditors represented by the Troika of the IMF, the ECB and the imperialist EU. Then, it's not about denouncing fascism as the enemy of democracy, but of fighting *bourgeoi**s* democracy as the form, every time more bonapartist, of the State as the instrument of the capitalist class to make our class pay the crisis.
The rising of ultra-right groups such as Golden Dawn, but also the National Front of Marie Le Pen in France or the British UKIP has it's routes in the discontent of parts of the petite bourgeoisie, and even of parts of the working class itself, impoverished by the crisis. But their collusion with the capitalist State is based in the need of imperialists to put aside any kind of democratic demagogy to replace it with the most wretched nationalism, program for which they don't need this extreme right because it is already being applied by Samaras, Cameron, Sarkozy, Rajoy and even the "socialist" Hollande, not to mention Obama the "democrat" that is unable to hide his support to the bloodshed with which the Egyptian army tries to defeat the process opened in 2011 and prepares a new military intervention on Syria, showing once more the validity of Lenin's definition: imperialism is reaction all along the line. All this with the complicity from the union's bureaucracy, that share the same nationalist ideology to tempt to mislead our class behind one or another sector of financial capital. Those who support the bourgeoisie nationalist governments in the semi colonies go back along the same route, as the course of the nac & pop government of Kristina (kirchner) demonstrates, confessed "serial payer" of the external debt to the great imperialist banks against the living and working conditions of our class; the same her peers Evo (Morales), Maduro and Dilma (Rousseff), guarantors of the repression against those who struggle and confronts the imperialist attack.
To confront the attack that imperialism and it's states are carrying forward in Europe, through the adjustment policies of the Troika, but also in the whole world, we should oppose the internationalist union of the working class and it's organizations, the trade unions. Undoubtedly, a new generation of fighters is irrupting in the battle field to combat the bourgeois attack, as we can see in Brazil, in Turkey, in Chili, in Middle East and the North of Africa. Of course we cannot forget the Greek youth and the Greek working class, that have had the leading role in dozens of national strikes against the Troika. That is the content of the trial against Savas Matsas: an attempt to discipline the Greek strugglers, they are an example for the whole of our international class, putting all the weight of the bourgeois state at the service of the capitalists, reaffirming their program of hate against the immigrant and the young, the most exploited sectors of our class.
To rip the trade unions from the hands of the bureaucrats, turning them into organizations of the great working masses, able to organize the immigrants and to nourish from the strength of a new generation of proletarian combatants; to turn our unions into tools of the revolutionary struggle against the bourgeois state and rotting capitalism, it is need to regenerate revolutionary Marxism and recreate a communist vanguard solidly united around a workers and internationalist program. To discuss and clarify which are the tasks posed by the crisis before a new generation of revolutionaries making use of the theory of permanent revolution, that is the challenge that we revolutionaries have in front. To hrshly perform this political struggle within the organizations of our class to reconstruct the IV international, that is the challenge for trotskists.
*Corriente Obrera Revolucionaria*
*(Revolutionary Workers Current)*